How to Do Surya Namaskar: Steps by Step Guide

How to Do Surya Namaskar: Steps by Step Guide

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is one of the most powerful yoga for better mental clarity and a healthy body. While we all struggle, trying to do an hour of cardio, a simple Surya Namaskar can do wonders.

For kids, it makes them more focused as it enhances blood circulation in the body.

Surya Namaskar is nothing but sun salutation, which is a power-pack of 12 asanas. It is considered a good cardiovascular workout.

To have the best results on Surya Namaskar, try to practice it early in the morning on an empty stomach. At a stretch, you can have lemon-honey water before the salutation.

_Remember, each round of Surya Namaskar consists of two sets of 12 postures. _

How to Do The 12 Poses of Sun Salutation (Step-By-Step)

Sun Selutation.gif

Posture 1: Pranamasana or The Prayer Pose

In this posture, try to balance your weight while expanding your chest. As you breathe in, expand your chest and stretch your arms. As you breathe out, join your hands in Namaskar in front of your chest.

Posture 2: Hasta Uttanasana or The Raised Arm Pose

In this posture, while you breathe in, stretch your arms backward.

While you stretch, ensure your hand touches your ear. Feel the stretch from your back to your fingers.

Posture 3: Hasta Padasana or The Stand-Forward Bend

Here, in this posture as you breathe out bend forward and place your hands beside your feet on the floor. Remember to keep your spine erect and try not to bend your knees while being in this posture.

Posture 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana or The Equestrian Pose

As you breathe in, pull your right leg at the back, touching your knees with the mat, and keep your left leg at the front.

Look upwards in this posture.

Posture 5: Parvatasana or The Stick Pose

In this posture, pull your left leg back. Breathe inwards and keep your body in a straight line while balancing with your body with your hands.

Posture 6: Ashtanga Namaskara or The Eight-Part salute

In this posture as you breathe out, rest your chest and chin in the mat and move your hips upwards.

Here your both hands, feet, knees, chest, and chin (eight parts in total) should touch the ground.

Posture 7: Bhujangasana or The Cobra Pose

In this posture as you look up, pull your upper portion of the body, keeping your elbows bent.

Posture 8: Parvatasana or The Downward-facing Dog Pose

In this posture, get into a ‘V’ shape moving your hips up.

Posture 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana or The Equestrian pose

Here again, bring your right leg forward and place it in the middle of your hands, while stretching your left leg backward

Posture 10: Hasta Padasana or The Standing Forward Bend

In this posture pull your left leg and bend forward keeping your legs between both your hands.

Try not to bend your knees while placing your hands on the ground.

Posture 11: Hasta Uttanasana or Raised Arm Pose

Breathe in, while stretching backward. Pull your hip upward for a better stretch

Posture 12: Pranamasana or The Mountain Pose

Stand in a straight line as you exhale and bring your arms in a resting position.

With these 12 steps, you are ready for practicing Surya Namaskar and don’t forget to add a smile while you practice.

How to Do Surya Namaskar: Steps by Step Guide

How to Do Surya Namaskar: Steps by Step Guide

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is one of the most powerful yoga for better mental clarity and a healthy body. While we all struggle, trying to do an hour of cardio, a simple Surya Namaskar can do wonders.

For kids, it makes them more focused as it enhances blood circulation in the body.

Surya Namaskar is nothing but sun salutation, which is a power-pack of 12 asanas. It is considered a good cardiovascular workout.

To have the best results on Surya Namaskar, try to practice it early in the morning on an empty stomach. At a stretch, you can have lemon-honey water before the salutation.

_Remember, each round of Surya Namaskar consists of two sets of 12 postures. _

How to Do The 12 Poses of Sun Salutation (Step-By-Step)

Sun Selutation.gif

Posture 1: Pranamasana or The Prayer Pose

In this posture, try to balance your weight while expanding your chest. As you breathe in, expand your chest and stretch your arms. As you breathe out, join your hands in Namaskar in front of your chest.

Posture 2: Hasta Uttanasana or The Raised Arm Pose

In this posture, while you breathe in, stretch your arms backward.

While you stretch, ensure your hand touches your ear. Feel the stretch from your back to your fingers.

Posture 3: Hasta Padasana or The Stand-Forward Bend

Here, in this posture as you breathe out bend forward and place your hands beside your feet on the floor. Remember to keep your spine erect and try not to bend your knees while being in this posture.

Posture 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana or The Equestrian Pose

As you breathe in, pull your right leg at the back, touching your knees with the mat, and keep your left leg at the front.

Look upwards in this posture.

Posture 5: Parvatasana or The Stick Pose

In this posture, pull your left leg back. Breathe inwards and keep your body in a straight line while balancing with your body with your hands.

Posture 6: Ashtanga Namaskara or The Eight-Part salute

In this posture as you breathe out, rest your chest and chin in the mat and move your hips upwards.

Here your both hands, feet, knees, chest, and chin (eight parts in total) should touch the ground.

Posture 7: Bhujangasana or The Cobra Pose

In this posture as you look up, pull your upper portion of the body, keeping your elbows bent.

Posture 8: Parvatasana or The Downward-facing Dog Pose

In this posture, get into a ‘V’ shape moving your hips up.

Posture 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana or The Equestrian pose

Here again, bring your right leg forward and place it in the middle of your hands, while stretching your left leg backward

Posture 10: Hasta Padasana or The Standing Forward Bend

In this posture pull your left leg and bend forward keeping your legs between both your hands.

Try not to bend your knees while placing your hands on the ground.

Posture 11: Hasta Uttanasana or Raised Arm Pose

Breathe in, while stretching backward. Pull your hip upward for a better stretch

Posture 12: Pranamasana or The Mountain Pose

Stand in a straight line as you exhale and bring your arms in a resting position.

With these 12 steps, you are ready for practicing Surya Namaskar and don’t forget to add a smile while you practice.